
LEAF Academy is an institution built on values and with an emphasis on character. You will build foundational academic knowledge and essential to learn and develop skills and mindsets that allow young people to be successful in the 21st century workplace.
LEAF Academy offers both a 4-year and 2-year high school program. Students are put into a program based on their age and individual needs.

Our unique American-style curriculum intertwines rigorous academic preparation with the intentional development of leadership, entrepreneurship, strong moral values, and self-awareness through our own programs of Entrepreneurial Leadership, STEM, Central European Studies and Character Development. All courses combine traditional academic pursuits with experiential learning, teamwork and collaboration.
Have a look at the detailed descriptions of all courses offered below.
Our high school program offers two entry points, Year 1 (Grade 9) or Year 3 (Grade 11). Students pursuing our 4-year program spend the first 2 years following an internally developed curriculum. All Year 3 and Year 4 students in addition to our core and elective classes also take a number of university-level Advanced Placement (AP) courses.
We currently offer 18 AP courses. In addition, students have the option of and are assisted in preparing for taking additional AP exams, based on their interests and abilities.
LEAF Academy is also approved by The College Board to offer the AP Capstone Diploma™ program.
AP Capstone Diploma™ program:
Students take two compulsory AP courses: AP Seminar and AP Research. Each course is year-long, and AP Seminar is a prerequisite for AP Research. Both courses guide students through completing a research project, writing an academic paper, and making a presentation on their project. These courses are designed to complement other AP courses that the AP Capstone student may take. Instead of teaching specific subject knowledge, AP Seminar and AP Research use an interdisciplinary approach to develop the critical thinking, research, collaboration, time management, and presentation skills students need for university-level work.

Y3 and Y4: LEAF Academy curriculum & AP program
Entrepreneurial Leadership
Character Seminar
Central European Studies (Writing and Rhetoric)
LEAF Core (Mathematical Modelling and Statistics & Central European Studies)
National Language
Slovak as Foreign Language
AP courses
Y1 and Y2: LEAF Academy curriculum
Entrepreneurial Leadership
Character Seminar
Central European Studies (Writing and Rhetoric & History and Social Studies)
STEM (Math, Science & Computer Science)
National language
Slovak as Foreign Language
Elective language courses
Y3 and Y4: LEAF Academy curriculum & AP courses
Entrepreneurial Leadership
Character Seminar
Central European Studies (Writing and Rhetoric)
LEAF Core (Mathematical Modelling and Statistics & Central European Studies)
National Language
Slovak as Foreign Language
AP courses
AP 2-D Art and Design
AP Art History
AP Biology (every other year)
AP Calculus AB / BC
AP Chemistry (every other year)
AP Comparative Government and Politics
AP Computer Science A
AP Computer Science Principles
AP English Language and Composition
AP English Language and Literature
AP Environmental Science (every other year)
AP European History
AP French Language and Culture
AP German Language and Culture
AP Human Geography
AP Microeconomics
AP Macroeconomics
AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism
AP Physics: Mechanics
AP Psychology
AP Research
AP Seminar
AP Statistics